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Long Covid advocates face challenges, potential discrimination with billboard campaigns

Covid-19 is still infecting and reinfecting millions of people around the world — causing more and more people to develop Long Covid. But public health and government agencies worldwide have failed to warn people about Long Covid and support those affected, and still aren’t effectively funding research to find effective treatments.

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Procedural Eccentricities of the FCA: Service in Declined Qui Tams, and the Role of Courts, Relators, and Defendants

Unlike standard civil litigation in federal courts where service of process is dictated entirely by the Federal Rules ofCivil Procedure, the Second Circuit recently held that thejudge assigned to a False Claims Act (“FCA”) case mustset and start the timer on when a qui tam complaint canbe served on a defendant.1 Relators and defendants alikemust consider a number of strategic options when thejudge fails to turn on that timer.

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